fonts failed to load but im just gonna blame that on my crappy school computer, its probably gonna load when i get home
fonts failed to load but im just gonna blame that on my crappy school computer, its probably gonna load when i get home
thumbnail art looks cool, doesnt load past the title screen though
Oh lol, I think I know. Try clicking the mouse at the title screen.
the bot of acro
I love and hate these games, i love the story, but because of my empathatic self, i feel bad for those i couldnt let on. Good ass game tho
this is alot of fun! though the ramps are bugged, whenever you land after driving off a ramp you crash and explode
i flung a car into the sky. tenouttaten
Is this pumpkin loss?
Whaaaaaaat???? That would be crazy, psht why would I do that????
I Ii
sorry my keyboard is being weird and typing all these strange patterns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i took peoples land, amazing
box good
classic game
idk what the fuck im doing lmfao
FA/26-B from VTOL VR
learnin lua/C#
Joined on 4/25/21